Chef Jimmy MacMillan on Pastry Virtuosity

Jimmy MacMillan and Pastry Virtuosity

Chef Jimmy MacMillan has launched Pastry Virtuosity, a consulting resource for all food-based businesses including manufacturing, retail, and hospitality.

Founded in 2011 by the critically acclaimed Pastry Chef, MacMillan recognized that there was an opportunity where his vast knowledge, creative energy, and experience could bring a fresh perspective and unique solutions to pastry chefs and businesses worldwide.

Chef Jimmy MacMillan’s Approach

Chef MacMillan goes into a project with fresh eyes and provides a new perspective, but most importantly, he has a proven track record. He’s an expert project manager, food designer, stylist, and team leader that fuels energy and renews momentum with every project he takes on.

From business planning to dessert creation to pastry classes,Pastry Virtuosity is the resource for solutions that will take pastry careers and sweet businesses to the next level.

Connect with Jimmy